
BrightSide Theatre is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion while promoting cultural awareness and sensitivity. We encourage performers of all races and ethnicities, gender and sexual identities, ages over 18, body types, and abilities, to attend every audition.

Seeking strong actors that are 18+ years of age. Local hires only (no housing or travel provided). We encourage Trans and Gender Non-Conforming performers to submit as genders listed as those of the character, not the performer. 


Email your headshot and resume and a video of a 1-minute comedic Shakespeare monologue to [email protected]

Time Commitment

Rehearsals will begin on March 2 and  take place on Sunday through Thursday evenings.  Not all cast is called to each rehearsal. 

Tech Week is Monday, April 21, 2025 through Thursday, April 24, 2025  No rehearsal conflicts will be accepted for Tech Week or any performances.  


Will be at the Theatre at Meiley-Swallow Hall on the Campus of North Central College in Naperville.
Opening 04/25/25; Closing 05/11/25 (Friday and Saturdays at 7:30pm and Sundays at 2pm)

Pay Rate: $250 Stipend 

Casting Breakdown


DEMETRIUS (Male Presenting)

 FRANCIS FLUTE/THISBE: Bellows-mender (Male Presenting)